Exchange for Change

© W3_

Exchange for Change

Age and Gender Discrimination in Politics

With Registration

Dienstag, 27. Juni 2023
19:00 - 21:00


Veranstaltungsort: W3_Saal, Nernstweg 32-34, 22765 Hamburg

Mit: Hanna Belgardt – Grüne Jugend Hamburg, Greta Uhlich – Plan International Deutschland e.V. and Juvens Asifiwe – W3_ , Moderation: Amelie Greefe – W3_

Experiencing discrimination can cause people to have negative perceptions of themselves, their age, gender and more. Discrimination strikes at the very heart of being human. In politics, youth and WLINTA* are especially concerned.

During the event, the three young panelists will debate on how these groups and their concerns are currently represented in politics and which political forums are used to advocate for them. Furthermore, they will discuss how more participation can be achieved and why that is so important. The panelists will share their different perspectives and experiences from Rwanda and Germany.

After the discussion, audience members are invited to ask questions and take part in the exchange.

The event will be in English. No prior knowledge is needed to participate.

*Women, Lesbians, inter*, non binary, trans*, and agender People

Hanna Belgardt completed her master’s degree in physics at University of Hamburg in May 2023. She is the speaker of the young green party in Hamburg (GJHH). Her political work focuses on queerfeminism, gender diversity, climate protection, and mobility.

Greta Uhlich studied Political Science and International Relations at Leiden University and London School of Economics and Political Science. Between 2017 and 2023 she was a member of the Youth Council at Plan International Germany. Since March 2023 she is the junior expert for youth participation at Plan International Germany.

Juvens Asifiwe works at W3_ within the international education program Kulturweit Tandem. He is a co-founder of the Rwandan NGO Active Peace Building (APB), a member of the African Youth Peace Network and a member of Afflatus Africa. He has been a delegate in the East African Youth Parliament from 2019 to 2021. Juvens is passionate about international relations, youth advocacy, peace keeping, and sustainable development.

Organisiert von: W3_Werkstatt für internationale Kultur und Politik e.V.

In Kooperation mit: Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendparlamente