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Red-Black Thread

arbeit global, Performance
Mo, 07.10.2019

Slavs and Tatars – artist collective
In englischer Sprache

Red-Black Thread explores the construction of black identity not from the traditional perspective of the Anglophone and Francophone worlds of the Atlantic but rather by shifting it to the Russophone idiom of imperial Russia and the Soviet Union. Commissioned by the Walker and Metropolitan Museums on the occasion of the Siah Armajani retrospective “Follow This Line”, Red-Black Thread looks at the experience of labor, race, and sexuality from a shared Russian / Soviet and African-American perspective to better understand failed promises of conviviality and co-existence.

Die Veranstaltung ist Teil von arbeit global in Kooperation mit dem Kunsthaus Hamburg


Kunsthaus Hamburg, Klosterwall 15, Hamburg

W3_Werkstatt für internationale Kultur und Politik Kunsthaus Hamburg

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